Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to Trip Without Tripping

      Ever wanted to just enter into a dream like state, where anything and everything is possible? While most people would resort to drugs like LSD to take them to this faraway land, I present to you a new, drug free way to tweak out: The Genzfeld procedure! That's right, folks! You can now trip without tripping!

What You Will Need

  • 1 ping pong ball
  • Some tape
  • 1 radio
  • 1 pair of headphones
  • Comfy chair or bed
  • Room with even lighting
What to do

  1. Cut the ping pong ball in half
  2. Turn the radio on, plug the head phones in, and put them in your ear and stuff
  3. Turn the radio to a station where it's just static or white noise (trust me, there's a reason for this)
  4. Now, take the 2 halves of the ping pong ball you cut earlier and tape them over your eyes
  5. Lay down on the comfy chair or whatever and sit there (should take a few minutes to kick in)
  6. Follow Rainbow Dash into the gum drop forest and live happily ever after.
How It Works

      If you're anything like me, you probably flipped shit after trying this, and thought to yourself "Now how the fuck did that just happen?" Believe it or not, it all has to do with basic brain chemistry. You see, in the not too distant past, scientists were interested in bringing on hallucinations in the conscious brain in order to study the bodies reactions to certain stimuli, but it turns out that the brain is actually addicted to sensation and stimulation.

      This experiment basically deprives the human brain (and body, for that matter) of any kind of stimulation. Sight is eliminated, hearing is drowned out, and you're just kinda laying there. There is absolutely nothing for your brain to take in. So, because your brain craves stimulation, it creates it's own sensations, generating the strange hallucinations you experienced. Pretty cool, right? I find this an excellent way to kill time on a boring afternoon.